fix: 🐛 fixbug stock name and code

jackluson 3 years ago
parent 2380c16344
commit d9f3b2fe81

@ -290,11 +290,21 @@ class FundSpider:
for index in range(4, len(li_elements) - 1, 4):
temp_stock_info = dict() # 一只股票信息
stock_base = li_elements[index].text.split('.')
temp_stock_info['stock_code'] = stock_base[0]
temp_stock_info['stock_market'] = None if len(
stock_base = re.split('\.|\s',li_elements[index].text) #
stock_code= stock_base[0]
stock_market = None if len(
stock_base) == 1 else stock_base.pop()
temp_stock_info['stock_name'] = li_elements[index + 1].text
#纠正港股市场及代码 -- 港股号位是5位
if bool("^(H|S)?\d{2,5}(HK)?$", stock_code)) and not stock_market:
stock_market = 'HK'
if stock_market == 'HK' and bool("^(H|S)?\d{2,5}(HK)?$", stock_code)):
stock_code = stock_code.replace('HK', '')
stock_code = stock_code.replace('H', '')
stock_code = stock_code.replace('S', '')
stock_code = '0' * (5 - len(stock_code)) + stock_code
temp_stock_info['stock_code'] = stock_code.replace(' ', '')
temp_stock_info['stock_market'] = stock_market.replace(' ', '')
temp_stock_info['stock_name'] = li_elements[index + 1].text.replace(' ', '')
# temp_stock_info['stock_value'] = li_elements[index+2].text
temp_stock_info['stock_portion'] = li_elements[index +
3].text if li_elements[index + 3].text != '-' else None
